An Anxious Student in a Foreign Country

by Kuma

Hallo, pals! Miss us much?

While Peach is busy being a Korean diva and working her butt off at the Korean Centre, I travelled to Singapore for my studies. (Yes, more studies, MOAR  😈)


First impression: Absolute bliss. First few days I was like a tourist, I spent my time hopping on and off the bus, and familiarising myself with the super efficient SMRT system. I ate out a lot, finally paid a visit to DAISO (oh Daiso! the land where everything is $2), bought weather-friendly clothes (MUJI and COTTON ON ❤ ), and did the usual touristy attractions. I was blown away by the convenience of living in this tiny country. Again, these were only the first few days, what was referred to as the “Honeymoon Period” in a talk at my University. When everything is glorious, attractive, and you’re basically a sport and willing to accept a new place as your own for the next year or so.

~One Week Later

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We got the Lovely Blogger Award!

by Peach and Kuma


Thank you so much to Bapalaya, who nominated us for the Lovely Blogger Award!!

Here are the Rules:
~ Include the Lovely Blogger Award sticker in your post. You can make your own, or use ours!
~ Add 7 facts about yourself.
~ Nominate 10 bloggers, who you think deserve to receive this award, and inform them that they have been nominated.
~ Copy these rules into your post.

Voila! ~~~

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TheCloset Features: The Nature’s Co. Beautywish Subscription Box!

by Peach and Kuma

Hello to our lovely readers!

We took the liberty to collaborate with The Nature’s Co, a completely vegan brand of cosmetics and skin care products, to bring to you an exclusive sneak peak into their monthly subscription box!

What we like about the Natures Co. products is that they are made with all natural plant based ingredients. Not only are these products free of chemicals and animal by-products, they were made without harming any animals! Score!
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Top 5 Dark Anime!

By Peach


It’s a common misconception that anime is meant for little children. All over the world, animation is mostly geared towards a younger audience, but for the Japanese, this isn’t always the case.

Whenever I hear, ‘Anime is just like cartoons’, my skin crawls and it takes all of my self control not to flip some tables and rage!
Anime is far from just children’s cartoons. There are multiple genres that are geared towards different people and age-groups.

For example, Kodomomuke is meant for little kids.. Shojo is geared towards teen girls and Shonen for teen boys. And then you have darker more mature genres of anime, Josei and Seinen for older girls and boys, respectively.

In this post, I’ll share with you some darker more mature anime that will hopefully change your perspective and get you hooked!

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The Plebeian Guide to Living Life- Tip #5 ☕☕

by Kuma


So, as a young girl, whenever I went out to dinner with the family, my parents always ordered soup in the following manner:

“One sweetcorn/ burnt garlic/ tomato soup, and please divide it into two.” 

For them, the reason was that the quantity had been unreal and too much for one person, but I noticed something else. The “into two” came out to be two full bowls of soup! Which was then devoured by six people, of course. ^_^

From this experience, Peach and I have vowed to never order two separate dishes/ beverages/ appetizers whenever we go out to eat! Plebs need to bank on every opportunity they can get, after all!

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Make Your Own: Personalised Budget Gifts! 🎁🎉

By Peach
Birthdays, holidays and celebrations; what makes them extra special is an adorable little gift, all wrapped up, ready to tear into! But store-bought gifts are a surefire way to make a dent in your bank account! So why not make your own?

The best thing about hand-made gifts is that they are customisable. You can cater to your gift-receiver’s sensibilities by adding a personal touch to your gifts, it is sure to win them over, and ensure that your bank account remains intact!

I bring to you, three personalised gifts that I made for my dear pal, Kuma’s birthday!
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Come Snot or Tear: Top Korean Movies That Will Make You Cry!

by Kuma


There have been times in our lives, when we were distraught – bawling our eyes out, snot covering our faces, and a soaking pillow- all this not because of a distressful life event, but something a bit more important, i.e., a sad, morbid, morose, excruciatingly painful film.

I cry at the slightest display of emotion, therefore, watching sad movies is sort of dangerous for my system. But nonetheless, Peach and I can’t exist without ’em!

So, get your pajamas all ready, pillows all mussed and squeezed within an inch of their lives, because the following list of Korean movies is your ticket to the Teardom of Pain! *Dun Dun Dunnn*

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Top 5 Coming of Age Anime!

By Peach

Anime is an integral part of my childhood, and my fallback through awkward puberty and teenage angst! Coming of age anime is a must if you want to reminisce about childhood days, and if you’re still in those days, then there’s much to be learned from them!

So I bring to you, my list of Top 5 coming of age anime!

Now we’ve all been acquainted with Naruto, Bleach, Death Note, One Piece and the like. So I’m choosing to overlook these illustrious gems!

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Sweater Weather Tag! ❄ ❄ ❄

by Peach and Kuma


Thank you so much to Bapalaya, for tagging us to do the Sweater Weather tag!

Even though we won’t be facing Sweater Weather for quite a while, doing this tag was a respite from our current deadly heat, and we had a lot of fun dreaming about cardigans scarfs and boots!

The rules of this tag are as follows:
Answer the Sweater Weather questions, and tag 10 bloggers to do the same! Easy!

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